Friday, 24 August 2007

Medal Winners

'Ex-Captain Dan'

'Our Pitching Machine'

'And of course Amy'

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Partners vs Carat [39-18]

Although we had already been awarded league champions there was still a little unfinished business to take care of, and that was the long long overdue re-scheduled and often debated Carat game.

The build up undertaken by captain Dan and a host of ringer scouts had been ongoing for a few weeks down to the simple fact we are a bit of a social jet set bunch, and trying to get a team together has been tough at the best of times let alone one on a Friday night. I figure this is an opportunity to say thanks to Dan B for all his efforts and good luck scouting Bankok for new talent. Any volunteers to step into the stress and strains of those boots for next season, perhaps a sweepstake when we all head out for beers and the end of season party?

Anyway, a team we had, and it looked strong. The sun was shining and the atmosphere surrounding a Friday game for a league already in the bag; win, draw or loss, was almost too relaxed. The ability to remember equipment was the first failure so the bottom of a bag was used for 3rd base and a beach towel for the inevitable slides into home.

A couple of beers later and we had also lost the ability to keep the score, keep track of who was batting next, and that one of our own players was playing for Carat as back stop. Regardless we had not forgotten the fundamentals and ignoring the fact their pitching was being taken in turns by anyone fancying a go, we racked a comfortable score and declared the game at the end of the Sixth.

Congratulations to all, a clean sweep, 10 wins vs 0 loss. Next stop the quarter final, weather permitting this Wednesday!

Thanks to Amy, Dina, Sue, Trish, Dan W, Chris, Dom, Jon B, Jon G and Pau

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Partners vs The Economist [24-20]

Tense does not do justice to last night’s game. We were on Pitch 10, would it be unlucky again? would The Economist turn up? Or would we end up playing guess the pitch? It could have gone either way.

It was a characteristically slow start from us, and to their credit The Economist bankers were really good despite some interesting rule observations on their part. However we upped the anti and by the third innings we had got back into the game and were scoring some amazing runs. By this stage it was proper heart in mouth stuff, who would crack first us or their rather rubbish pitcher? Am pleased to say then that by the 6th innings we were winning thanks to some great saves and dogged determination.

Highlights included:

  • Two fantastic home runs from Jon G – I would never have believed you could run so fast and whippet like
  • Amy – for her ‘shove to base’ tactics – if I was on base and saw you aggressively hurtling towards me I would just weep
  • Great catch by backstop Becs M
  • Ed’s return to home via the coats & bags slightly unorthodox but very entertaining (though you were still out)
  • Bethan for 3rd base coaching
  • Pau and all the outfielders for some amazing catches

    Only injury (only one!) was Jon B with hip issues, fingers crossed you get better soon. To sum up in JG's words ‘we should have invited The Economist for a drink, we could have bought them a pitcher’ Nice.

    Next match Carat Friday 10th …if they turn up.

    Thanks to Amy, Job B, Pau, Chris, Dan B, Dan W, Becs, Bethan, Ed, Jon G and Nats

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Partners vs Raging Bulls [9-6]

It was a touch and go as to whether we’d actually end up playing our penultimate pool game down at Primrose hill last night. When we discovered that all of the other punters lining the pitch were not our new fan-club, and that in fact they were there with the intention of playing their own match on our pitch – we were a bit disgruntled to say the least.

After a quick round of summit-style negotiations amongst the captains and co-captains and various other team-members and hangers-on etc etc, we managed to find a win-win resolution. Phew. The other 2 teams would play 3 innings each and then we would take the field in our match against the mighty Raging Bulls. Probably one of the most intimidating team names we’ve come across to date. We learnt pretty quickly though that their bullish name wasn’t really going to be a problem for us.

It’s becoming a bit of a trend for us to start off slowly and then come back later in the match. This week, however, our fielding was outstanding which meant we kept the score very even (0-0) for 2 innings. So, if you read between the lines our batting effort wasn’t the greatest.

As ever though there were some top performances and classic highlights:

  • The top one being when Dan Wright pointed out that the bases were loaded with all 3 Dans! The challenge was on for Pau, who was up to bat, to get a ‘Dan trifecta’ and bring all of the Dans home. We figured this might be a first in Softball history (!). Under pressure, a cracking hit ensued and all but Dan Bowpitt got into home base – a truly memorable ‘Dan-cubed situation’.
  • Amy put her foot on the gas to do some brilliant base stealing - getting home all the way from 2nd when it didn’t even look like she was going to make it safely to 3rd.
  • Becs H and Bethan both caught great catches at crucial times – as I say our fielding was supreme.
  • Nats proved to have a trusty glove at 3rd base when she caught a ball from JB to get a guy out.

All in all, our match against the Raging Bulls was a raging success with yet another win for the well-oiled ‘Partners-Fuel’ machine.

The final score was 9-6 to us.

Bring on The Economist.

Thanks to: Jon B, Pau, Chris, Dan B, Dan A, Dan W, Amy, Nats, Rebecca H, Becs, Bethan, Ethne

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Partners vs Imagination Swingers [29-8]

With our place in the playoffs assured, last night’s game against Imagination Swingers was an opportunity to bully some agency weaklings in conditions more akin to a mid-December evening. The gloom was such that at one point the fielder’s in deep centre field couldn’t see a dolly of a catch coming their way. But enough of Dan W’s fielding.

Imagination negotiated some dodgy rules around the pitching and it became apparent as to why when their limp-wristed pitcher couldn’t reach the plate with 50% of his throws. It’s easy to be critical of course when you have the luxury of a tosser as consistent as JB but their efforts were a new low. Their batting was pretty average as well. Pretty much all of their runs were the result of our own fielding ineptitude rather than their good hitting. If they did do anything well we immediately erased it from our memories.

Overall, Imagination ran us close for 3 innings before we kicked into gear in the 4th inning and scored 13 unanswered runs before we eventually gave them a masterclass in softball running out 29 – 8 winners. Overall, they were rubbish, although they did bring some nice girls with them which was to their credit. Shame they weren’t that type of swingers.

As ever there were some classic moments:

  • Amy Windsor-Davis’ slide for a home run on both knees defied physiology for all non-members of the ape kingdom.
  • Rebecca Hesleton’s scamper onto 3rd base was truly extraordinary in slippery conditions and resulted in both her and the their fielder flat on their backs after the sort of mix up you’d expect to see in a Laurel and Hardy film minus the comedy kicks
  • Jon Gowar showed rare courage to knock their 4ft 3in catcher flat on the floor as he barreled his way to another run. By the look of the poor girl this was the most satisfying bodily contact she’d enjoyed for a while.

Next up, another agency we’ve never heard of before we hammer the Economist in the end of season decider.

Thanks to: Jon B, Jon G, Dan B, Dan W, Chris, Pau, Amy, Becs, Jess, Rebbecca H

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Partners vs Iris [11-10]

Somehow after making a joke about the softball blog I found myself being nominated to write it...hmmm I'm now thinking that perhaps I should have paid more attention...

Starting with the important part - yes the sun finally came out (to blind us as our pitch faced straight into it!) oh and we won so still an unbeaten season though it was only just and it was definitely a nail biting victory!

This brings me onto my next point with regards the extra girly behaviour going on (and not only by the girls) as I believe not only Nat but Pau too broke a nail! And don't get Amy started on her lost hair clip which she had us all searching for in the grass despite it being light brown...

Then there were the usual injuries though thankfully nothing too serious - although I've discovered it hurts if try and catch a fast moving ball with your ungloved hand! Pau also had a fall/stumble/throw/dance/don’t know what it was - a manoeuvre possibly learnt from watching too much football. I suppose I should also mention Dan B’s (almost) concussion - the second in two weeks - though we think he's just trying to compete with Amy's eye injury.

and Chris fell down a hole - though he asked me not to mention it. (Pau has a great photo of this I'll get him to upload later!)

Many thanks goes to Jon's mate Jon who stepped in at the last minute to make the numbers up and hit a fantastic ball in the last innings!

All in all a good, friendly game - we went down the pub with Iris after and even talked to some of them (as opposed to the usual stand off!). We also managed a first with a full turn out at the pub afterwards 10/10, or should I say 11/10.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Partners V Dennis Publishing [25-18]

And so the unbeaten run continues...

Under gloomy grey skies and to the strains of Hughie Lewis and the News (well it was the 4th July concert across the way) we pulled off another win.

A tight, tense game right up to the last innings. Trailing 16-18 and with Dennis still to bat, we needed a monster innings.

9 runs. Pretty much everyone got round. Not too shabby.

Top pitching from Jon, more body-on-the-line antics from Amy, great running and fielding from the team and a massive thanks to our rookie, Nathalie, who's now hooked on the game.

And catch of the match? Dan B, sprinting from the outfield, arm outstretched, launching himself horizontally towards the ball!

Bring on some competition.

The team [Dan B, Jon, Tim, Chris, Pau, Ethne, Rebecca, Nathalie, Amy and Bethan]

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Partners V Redwood [28-4]

The trouble with writing softball reports is that they are fundamentally dull to those who weren't playing. In fact it's not that interesting to the players either - they were there and the reports bear little resemblance to what actually happened. So to console myself with the fact that I doubt anyone will read this, I've decided to express my soul through some forms of poetry.

Rhyming Couplets
28 to 4
What a score!

Daniel Wright, the copywriter
considers himself a softball fighter
(especially with his double out to finish the game off in style)

With a team led by Bowpitt
Redwoods score was quite S@&*

Victory for us
Shannon got his first home run
So did Jon, Ed, Dan

There once was a pitcher called Jon
Who loved to give the ladies a song
He threw them his balls
Only dressed in his smalls
With a look that was really quite smug
(To be fair Jon was player of the match -
he and Chris had a double act going on that
would give Torvill and Dean a run for their money)

There once was a girl up to bat
Stepping boldly towards the mat
Becs gave it a shout
but instead she got out
and that was the end of that

Waldie played, even though he was injured

Injury occured after Ed hit the ball at a 3rd bases knee
No nonscene as Jon, Ed, Shannon, and Dan W get home runs
Newcomers Shannon and Rebecca are welcomed back!!!
Everyone managed to make a run
Rather happy Jess, controlled her premature celebrations
Same again least I got round!

Rubbish I know, but it kept me amused whilst munching my breakfast.

Massive thanks to the team, especially Chris (injured) and our rookies Shannon and Rebecca:

Chris, Ed, Jon, Shannon, Dan B, Dan W, Jess, Becs, Rebecca, Amy

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Partners V OMD [23-22]

The less said the better. We won a high attrition game with an innings left to bat, guess we just broke their will with our excellent use of the rule book.

All in the name of Softball

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Partners V Carat [10-0]

First of all a big welcome to the 3 new comers; Ed, Rox and Sam, risking life and limb to join a team such as this, I'm sure everyone hopes you enjoyed yourselves and will be back for more.

Secondly a big thumbs down to Carat who failed to confirm they would be playing, and ultimately were a no show. Disappointing I suspect only because the result we will be awarded is a measly 10-0 giving a run difference far short of our average.

Regardless, the sun was shining, there were cold beers, Pimms and Smirnoff Ices to be enjoyed and we managed to get in 2 hours of practice and a sort of game made up of three teams of four.

Next week there is a rest break for the league leaders, aka us, and of course The Slugger Tim to have another weeks injury recovery. Everyone will be back in action for our next game against OMD on Wed 6th of June at pitch 12. Lets hope for more sun, more newcomers and a more challenging opposition.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Partners V PHD [24-15]

With captain Jess leading the charge versus the old rivals, it was looking like a close fought game, at the top of the third the score being a nail biting 4-4. However the Partners Fuel focus started to pull us ahead, and with a great catch by Becs on third base the game was won. That having been said we went into bat for the final innings and smacked another 5 past them just to keep our big hitting game reputation intact.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Partners V KLP [36-10]

It will sadden many of you to learn that I have to share my bus in the morning with some of the nastiest scum that North London has to offer (obviously Spurs fans). The type of people that wear their fake Gucci jackets inside out because more logos show that way. They left some interesting graffiti the other day - "Is you bashy n ting?". I could work out the 'n ting' bit, but 'bashy'? Were they asking for a fight? A quick Google later led me to this website explaining Jamaican slang. You may ask why white kids from Islington are speaking Jamaican slang, but that is another story (see Ali G). Bashy means remarkable or wonderful. What a great word, mainly because it's got the word 'bash' in there.

We were bashy! We won 36-10. The only way to start to a season.

As a new member to the renowed Partner & Fuel team, I can safely say its good to be part of a winning team for once!

There are some moments of magic worth recounting.

Tim (The Slugger aka Crusty the Clown) Cayless for his phenomenal, space orbiting hits! (Jon G you've got something to live up to now!)

Excellent bowling by Jon B - Never have I seen such precision!

Pau - has a swing on him that Babe Ruth would be jealous of!

A roundof applause also for Dan B - who after scoring his first home run and announcing it so to the team, he then followed it with a second!

An excellent catch in the outfield by Chris and an awesome slide (slightly worried where your head ended up)

A also finally managed to slide into home base. I could of just trotted safely home, but no, the full Freddy Mercury at Live Aid down on both knees shouting, "Bismillah, no, she will not let me go".

Also a terrific standard of fielding and batting from Bethan, Jess , Becs and Ethne - this seasons going to Bashy with biaatches like these in the team!

Word to your mother!

Bashy Team

Fixture list

Here is the fixture list for this seasons games.

Wed 9th May v KLP Pitch 1 Primrose Hill
Wed 16th May v PHD P7 G/Grn
Wed 23rd May v Carat P8
Wed 6th June v OMD P12
Wed 20th June v Redwood P5 Primrose Hill
Wed 4th July v Dennis P9
Wed 11th July v Iris P1 Primrose Hill
Wed 25th July v Imagination P1 Primrose Hill
Wed 1st Aug v Raging Bulls P1 Primrose Hill
Wed 8th Aug v Economist P10

Quarters w/c 13 Aug
Semis and final w/c 20th Aug

Tuesday, 10 April 2007