Thursday, 9 August 2007

Partners vs The Economist [24-20]

Tense does not do justice to last night’s game. We were on Pitch 10, would it be unlucky again? would The Economist turn up? Or would we end up playing guess the pitch? It could have gone either way.

It was a characteristically slow start from us, and to their credit The Economist bankers were really good despite some interesting rule observations on their part. However we upped the anti and by the third innings we had got back into the game and were scoring some amazing runs. By this stage it was proper heart in mouth stuff, who would crack first us or their rather rubbish pitcher? Am pleased to say then that by the 6th innings we were winning thanks to some great saves and dogged determination.

Highlights included:

  • Two fantastic home runs from Jon G – I would never have believed you could run so fast and whippet like
  • Amy – for her ‘shove to base’ tactics – if I was on base and saw you aggressively hurtling towards me I would just weep
  • Great catch by backstop Becs M
  • Ed’s return to home via the coats & bags slightly unorthodox but very entertaining (though you were still out)
  • Bethan for 3rd base coaching
  • Pau and all the outfielders for some amazing catches

    Only injury (only one!) was Jon B with hip issues, fingers crossed you get better soon. To sum up in JG's words ‘we should have invited The Economist for a drink, we could have bought them a pitcher’ Nice.

    Next match Carat Friday 10th …if they turn up.

    Thanks to Amy, Job B, Pau, Chris, Dan B, Dan W, Becs, Bethan, Ed, Jon G and Nats

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