Thursday, 2 August 2007

Partners vs Raging Bulls [9-6]

It was a touch and go as to whether we’d actually end up playing our penultimate pool game down at Primrose hill last night. When we discovered that all of the other punters lining the pitch were not our new fan-club, and that in fact they were there with the intention of playing their own match on our pitch – we were a bit disgruntled to say the least.

After a quick round of summit-style negotiations amongst the captains and co-captains and various other team-members and hangers-on etc etc, we managed to find a win-win resolution. Phew. The other 2 teams would play 3 innings each and then we would take the field in our match against the mighty Raging Bulls. Probably one of the most intimidating team names we’ve come across to date. We learnt pretty quickly though that their bullish name wasn’t really going to be a problem for us.

It’s becoming a bit of a trend for us to start off slowly and then come back later in the match. This week, however, our fielding was outstanding which meant we kept the score very even (0-0) for 2 innings. So, if you read between the lines our batting effort wasn’t the greatest.

As ever though there were some top performances and classic highlights:

  • The top one being when Dan Wright pointed out that the bases were loaded with all 3 Dans! The challenge was on for Pau, who was up to bat, to get a ‘Dan trifecta’ and bring all of the Dans home. We figured this might be a first in Softball history (!). Under pressure, a cracking hit ensued and all but Dan Bowpitt got into home base – a truly memorable ‘Dan-cubed situation’.
  • Amy put her foot on the gas to do some brilliant base stealing - getting home all the way from 2nd when it didn’t even look like she was going to make it safely to 3rd.
  • Becs H and Bethan both caught great catches at crucial times – as I say our fielding was supreme.
  • Nats proved to have a trusty glove at 3rd base when she caught a ball from JB to get a guy out.

All in all, our match against the Raging Bulls was a raging success with yet another win for the well-oiled ‘Partners-Fuel’ machine.

The final score was 9-6 to us.

Bring on The Economist.

Thanks to: Jon B, Pau, Chris, Dan B, Dan A, Dan W, Amy, Nats, Rebecca H, Becs, Bethan, Ethne

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