Thursday, 21 June 2007

Partners V Redwood [28-4]

The trouble with writing softball reports is that they are fundamentally dull to those who weren't playing. In fact it's not that interesting to the players either - they were there and the reports bear little resemblance to what actually happened. So to console myself with the fact that I doubt anyone will read this, I've decided to express my soul through some forms of poetry.

Rhyming Couplets
28 to 4
What a score!

Daniel Wright, the copywriter
considers himself a softball fighter
(especially with his double out to finish the game off in style)

With a team led by Bowpitt
Redwoods score was quite S@&*

Victory for us
Shannon got his first home run
So did Jon, Ed, Dan

There once was a pitcher called Jon
Who loved to give the ladies a song
He threw them his balls
Only dressed in his smalls
With a look that was really quite smug
(To be fair Jon was player of the match -
he and Chris had a double act going on that
would give Torvill and Dean a run for their money)

There once was a girl up to bat
Stepping boldly towards the mat
Becs gave it a shout
but instead she got out
and that was the end of that

Waldie played, even though he was injured

Injury occured after Ed hit the ball at a 3rd bases knee
No nonscene as Jon, Ed, Shannon, and Dan W get home runs
Newcomers Shannon and Rebecca are welcomed back!!!
Everyone managed to make a run
Rather happy Jess, controlled her premature celebrations
Same again least I got round!

Rubbish I know, but it kept me amused whilst munching my breakfast.

Massive thanks to the team, especially Chris (injured) and our rookies Shannon and Rebecca:

Chris, Ed, Jon, Shannon, Dan B, Dan W, Jess, Becs, Rebecca, Amy

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