Thursday, 26 July 2007

Partners vs Imagination Swingers [29-8]

With our place in the playoffs assured, last night’s game against Imagination Swingers was an opportunity to bully some agency weaklings in conditions more akin to a mid-December evening. The gloom was such that at one point the fielder’s in deep centre field couldn’t see a dolly of a catch coming their way. But enough of Dan W’s fielding.

Imagination negotiated some dodgy rules around the pitching and it became apparent as to why when their limp-wristed pitcher couldn’t reach the plate with 50% of his throws. It’s easy to be critical of course when you have the luxury of a tosser as consistent as JB but their efforts were a new low. Their batting was pretty average as well. Pretty much all of their runs were the result of our own fielding ineptitude rather than their good hitting. If they did do anything well we immediately erased it from our memories.

Overall, Imagination ran us close for 3 innings before we kicked into gear in the 4th inning and scored 13 unanswered runs before we eventually gave them a masterclass in softball running out 29 – 8 winners. Overall, they were rubbish, although they did bring some nice girls with them which was to their credit. Shame they weren’t that type of swingers.

As ever there were some classic moments:

  • Amy Windsor-Davis’ slide for a home run on both knees defied physiology for all non-members of the ape kingdom.
  • Rebecca Hesleton’s scamper onto 3rd base was truly extraordinary in slippery conditions and resulted in both her and the their fielder flat on their backs after the sort of mix up you’d expect to see in a Laurel and Hardy film minus the comedy kicks
  • Jon Gowar showed rare courage to knock their 4ft 3in catcher flat on the floor as he barreled his way to another run. By the look of the poor girl this was the most satisfying bodily contact she’d enjoyed for a while.

Next up, another agency we’ve never heard of before we hammer the Economist in the end of season decider.

Thanks to: Jon B, Jon G, Dan B, Dan W, Chris, Pau, Amy, Becs, Jess, Rebbecca H

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Partners vs Iris [11-10]

Somehow after making a joke about the softball blog I found myself being nominated to write it...hmmm I'm now thinking that perhaps I should have paid more attention...

Starting with the important part - yes the sun finally came out (to blind us as our pitch faced straight into it!) oh and we won so still an unbeaten season though it was only just and it was definitely a nail biting victory!

This brings me onto my next point with regards the extra girly behaviour going on (and not only by the girls) as I believe not only Nat but Pau too broke a nail! And don't get Amy started on her lost hair clip which she had us all searching for in the grass despite it being light brown...

Then there were the usual injuries though thankfully nothing too serious - although I've discovered it hurts if try and catch a fast moving ball with your ungloved hand! Pau also had a fall/stumble/throw/dance/don’t know what it was - a manoeuvre possibly learnt from watching too much football. I suppose I should also mention Dan B’s (almost) concussion - the second in two weeks - though we think he's just trying to compete with Amy's eye injury.

and Chris fell down a hole - though he asked me not to mention it. (Pau has a great photo of this I'll get him to upload later!)

Many thanks goes to Jon's mate Jon who stepped in at the last minute to make the numbers up and hit a fantastic ball in the last innings!

All in all a good, friendly game - we went down the pub with Iris after and even talked to some of them (as opposed to the usual stand off!). We also managed a first with a full turn out at the pub afterwards 10/10, or should I say 11/10.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Partners V Dennis Publishing [25-18]

And so the unbeaten run continues...

Under gloomy grey skies and to the strains of Hughie Lewis and the News (well it was the 4th July concert across the way) we pulled off another win.

A tight, tense game right up to the last innings. Trailing 16-18 and with Dennis still to bat, we needed a monster innings.

9 runs. Pretty much everyone got round. Not too shabby.

Top pitching from Jon, more body-on-the-line antics from Amy, great running and fielding from the team and a massive thanks to our rookie, Nathalie, who's now hooked on the game.

And catch of the match? Dan B, sprinting from the outfield, arm outstretched, launching himself horizontally towards the ball!

Bring on some competition.

The team [Dan B, Jon, Tim, Chris, Pau, Ethne, Rebecca, Nathalie, Amy and Bethan]